











AMU faculty delivers lecture at Awantipora Islamic University

Friday, September 02, 2022

Prof Latif Hussain Shah Kazmi, Department of Philosophy, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) delineated Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan’s approach to science and religion while presenting an online paper on ‘Sir Sayyid on Philosophy, Religion and Science’ in the international webinar, ‘Philosophy and Science: Can the Twin Meet?’ of the Averroes Centre for Philosophical Studies, Awantipora Islamic University of Science and Technology, Jammu and Kashmir.  

He explained the significance and applications of philosophy, religion and science in life as understood and advocated by the AMU founder, Sir Sayyid.

“Sir Sayyid possessed an unflinching faith in Islam and the Sirah of Prophet Muhammad. At the same time, the deep love for philosophy and a great concern for scientific progress and Western outlook impacted him to reconstruct the Islamic thought system for the onward development”, said Prof Kazmi.  

Speaking on the Sir Sayyid’s rationalistic approach to life, Prof Kazmi emphasised that the need for philosophy is not just to understand the meaning and purpose of life but also to know the true spirit of religion.

Prof Kazmi said: “Sir Sayyid has been quoted saying, Philosophy will be in our right hand and natural science in our left and the Kalimah (There is no deity but God) will crown our head”.

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