











NRSC Old Boys win Sports Day football match

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Non-Resident Student’s Centre (NRSC) Old Boys football team defeated the SS Hall (North) 3-1 in a match held to observe the ‘National Sports Day’ celebration of the SS Hall (North) in Aligarh Muslim University (AMU).

Attending the match as the Chief Guest, AMU Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof Mohammad Gulrez said that on this day we must all take a pledge to promote sports that inculcate discipline, ethics, and values in the young generation and help our country reach greater heights.

He also highlighted the role of sports in the upliftment of the youth and its associated benefits to the society and country at large.

The Pro Vice-Chancellor also distributed prizes after the match.

Prof Md Tarique (Provost, SS Hall-North) said, “By celebrating the National Sports Day, we pay glowing tribute to the legend and the ‘wizard’ of Indian Hockey, Major Dhyan Chand who lives in the heart of every sportsperson of the Country”. 

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