











Extension Lecture held on Political Economy of Indian Inequality

Saturday, January 22, 2022

The Department of Economics, Aligarh Muslim University organized University Extension Lecture on the topic; ‘The Political Economy of Indian Inequality’, which was delivered by an internationally renowned economist, Dr Rathin Roy (Managing Director, Overseas Development Institute UK).

In his lecture, Dr Roy focused on multiple aspects of inequality like consumption, income inequality etc. He viewed that inequality exists even in the celluloid world in India. He opined that due to the diversified dimensions associated with inequality in India, the inequality aspect should be studied from the lens of Political Economy and he stressed on the role of Political Economy in solving the issue of inequality in India.

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He also indicated that this gap will be minimized by changing the rich skewed income pattern in India and suggested; to reduce inequalities, policies of the government should focus on the provision of basic necessities to poor people at their door steps.

Prof Md Abdus Salam, Chairman, Department of Economics in his welcome address said that it is an honour to have Dr Roy, who is a man of many distinctions; formerly the Director and CEO of the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, who has also worked as an Economic Diplomat and Policy Advisor at the UNDP. He has served as an Economic Adviser with the thirteenth Finance Commission, New Delhi in the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India.

Vote of thanks was delivered by Prof Shehroz Alam Rizvi and the programme was conducted by Dr Shirin Rais.

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