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Saturday, January 08, 2022

Former Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Pro Vice Chancellor and former chairman of the Department of Political Science, Prof Hasan Ali Shah Jafri passed away following age related health problems at a Gurgaon hospital.

In the arc of his lifetime, Prof Jafri also held other important administrative positions at AMU such as the post of the University Registrar, the Controller of Examinations, and the Director, Academic Staff College. He has been the Chairman of the Department of Political Science and also served as the member of Rajasthan Public Service Commission after retiring from AMU.

“Prof Jafri was wonderfully perceptive, and my association with him was spread over decades. I always found him courteous, and his affable nature made very dear on the campus. His demise is a personal loss for me. I never knew him to be wrong about anything or anyone. He was an inspiring teacher at all levels, and supervised scores of students and research scholars with great care and commitment,” said AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof Tariq Mansoor.

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He added that Prof Jafri’s demise has left a pall of shock and loss hanging over the campus.

“I extend my sincere condolences to the bereaved family of Prof Jafri, his friends and the AMU community. He will always be remembered as a joyful human being who even in his last days, did not suffer the loss of vitality”, said Prof Mansoor.

Extending condolences, Prof Iqbalur Rehman (Chairman, Department of Political Science) said that Prof Jafri was always willing to support and provide advice to his colleagues and young faculty members and despite his standing as a senior academic, he was kind, approachable and open to sharing ideas.

“Prof Jafri’s generous encouragement and support was one of the main reasons many students chose a career in academia. His brilliant mind and sharp intellect, combined with his warm personality always encouraged his students and colleagues to seek his advice. His demise is a complete shock and he will always be an inspiration to his students and colleagues”, said Prof Asmar Beg (Department of Political Science).

He was laid to rest at the University Cemetery in Aligarh.

The deceased is survived by wife, two sons and two daughters.

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