











AMU faculty member gets best paper award

Monday, January 17, 2022

Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) faculty member from the Department of Physiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Dr Shah Mohammad Abbas Waseem got the best paper award for his work on ‘An Insight into the Physiological Mechanisms and Beneficial Roles of Yoga in Diabetes: Yoga as Therapeutics’ in the international conference, ‘Physiocon 2022: A Holistic Approach for Obesity Reversal’ of the Datta Meghe Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra.

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Dr Shah Mohammad’s position paper, highlighting the importance of Yoga and physical activity as therapeutics in both obesity and diabetes was presented online in the hybrid mode conference. 

Prof Rakesh Bhargava (Dean, Faculty of Medicine) and Prof Meenakshi Gupta (Chairperson, Department of Physiology) congratulated Dr Shah Mohammad.

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