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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

In view of the looming Covid-19 pandemic, the Aligarh Muslim University has directed all its staff to vaccinate themselves at the earliest. The J N Medical College of the University has been designated as a vaccination center.

In a meeting of all Deans of Faculties, Principals of Colleges, and other University functionaries, the Vice-Chancellor apprised the members regarding the Covid-19 pandemic urging all to get vaccinated. He also issued instructions that from January 1, 2022, it will be mandatory for all employees to get at least the first dose of vaccination failing which they may not be allowed in their concerned departments/offices.

The Vice-Chancellor also urged everyone to appropriately follow Covid protocols. He stressed that all Section Heads should ensure that all protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining social distancing should be adhered to. Directions were also issued to Principal J N Medical College for enhancing the facilities for meeting the imminent Covid-19 pandemic.

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