











AMU: Dental College launched its silver jubilee celebrations

Aligarh, December 17

Dr Ziauddin Ahmad Dental College, Aligarh Muslim University launched its silver jubilee celebrations in the college premises and Prof Rakesh Bhargava, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Prof S H Hashmi, Founder Principal (Retired) participated as distinguished guests.

Prof Hashmi shared his experiences as the founder principal and said the college has transformed into a robust centre of studies in dental medicine. It will transcend through several milestones of success to become one of the best dental colleges in India.

Prof Rakesh Bhargava emphasized on starting PG courses in remaining subjects in Dental College and encouraged the faculty and students to work hard to bring laurels to the college and the university.

Prof N D Gupta (Acting Principal) welcomed the guests and highlighted the anecdotes of Dental College history. He said that the year 2021 will be celebrated as the silver jubilee year of the college and all academic and intellectual activities will be dedicated to this auspicious occasion.

A tree-plantation programme was also held on the occasion.

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