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Thirteen students of the Residential Coaching Academy (RCA), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) have qualified the UP PCS written Mains Examination-2018 conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission.

They are Arvind Gautam, Bushra, Kuldeep Singh Chandel, Kunwar Pal Singh, Man Rakhan Lal, Mohammad Jafar, Mustajab Khan, Rizwan Hussain, Samiksha Sharma, Santosh Kumar, Shahin, Sheetal Kumari and Yashpal Singh.

Congratulating the students, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Tariq Mansoor said, "The success of these students is a testimony of their hard work, dedication and guidance of faculty members and it is hoped that more such success stories will come out of AMU."

"Online mock interview sessions will be arranged shortly for all the candidates," added Prof Saghir Ahmad Ansari, Director, RCA.

source: amu pro

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