











AMU: MCH Wing foundation stone laid

Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Vice-Chancellor, Prof Tariq Mansoor laid the foundation stone of 100 bedded Maternity and Child Care (MCH) Wing of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the JN Medical College (JNMC) during a video conferencing function in line with the Government of India guidelines on social distancing.

Speaking through an online platform, Prof Mansoor dedicated the new wing to all mothers, who risk lives to give birth, and the hospital staff committed in providing the best health care facilities.

"The challenge of this Covid-19 pandemic can be dealt with 'out of the way' solutions in improving the existing health care facilities and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology stands out with the required dedication," added the Vice-Chancellor.

Prof Shahid Siddiqui (Principal, JNMC) and Prof M U Rabbani (Officiating Dean, Faculty of Medicine) pointed out that the new MCH facility will ensure that people in Aligarh and the nearby areas will always have enough of medical facilities even during the height of the pandemic.

AMU Registrar, Mr. Abdul Hamid (IPS) spoke on the role of Mr. C B Singh, DM, Aligarh, and Mr. Anunaya Jha, CDO in expediting the clearance for the MCH project.

Attending the online function as the Guest of Honour, Dr. Swapna Das praised AMU for carrying out successful national programs such as RRTC, Laqshya, EmOC, Training MOs for cancer screening, RBSK by Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery and DEIC by Department of Paediatrics.

In the welcome address, Prof Tamkin Khan (Chairperson, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology) said that the Rs 28 crore MCH Wing project is becoming a reality because of the Vice Chancellor's vision and the necessary cooperation of the University administration.

Mr. Rajiv Kumar Sharma, University Engineer extended the vote of thanks.

source: amu pro

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