











AMUSU organises seminar on 'role of madrasas in development of the nation and community'

By Talha Mannan Khan

The Aligarh Muslim University Students' Union, on Sunday, organized a seminar on the topic "Role of Madaris in the development of Nation and Community" at the Boys Polytechnic auditorium of Aligarh Muslim University.

The program began with the Qira't (recitation of the verses of Holy Qur'an) by Qari Azam Sahab and the Naa't by Ateeq Seher. Presenting the momento to respected guests, Vice President of AMUSU, Mohd. Nadeem Ansari welcomed all.

Khaleeque Ahmed from Students Islamic Organization of India (SIO) said in his speech that our madaris have a historical significance and the Muslim Community has an emotional attachment to them. They should work towards the educational upliftment of the community and they also should drive the moral, educational and cultural ethics in the community. Madaris must organize good debates and dialogs to give the right direction to society and to strengthen their voices. He concluded his words with the inspirational lines of Allama Iqbal.

Focusing on the history of Madaris, Akhlaque Ahmed Usmani from Muslim Students Organization (MSO) said that the first president of India Dr. Prasad was from madarsa background. At that time madaris were the only source of Urdu Poetry, Sufism and Culture. Now a days, madaris should be open for debates. They should add the modern subjects in their curriculum. History is witness that the development of various languages happened in madaris.

Mufti Mohd. Risalat said in his speech that madaris played a very crucial role in the freedom movement of India. First revolt against British Government was happened in madaris. Many of the Ulemas sent to jail and hanged for the freedom. And madaris are still giving their services in nation building and communal harmony.

Dr. Tauqir Alam Falahi (Dean, Faculty Of Theology AMU) made a dignified speech. He said that the real progress of the country doesn't exist in high buildings, economic growth and employment etc. but in the humanity, morality and the harmony of its citizens. Madaris teachs the reality of this world that we're responsible for the whole humanity, for the betterment of mankind. Madaris are the purifiers of the soul and heart too. Madaris campus are the places where talent get nourishment. To explore the madaris on international level is the need of time.

Hafiz Mohd. Azam Baig (Ex President, AMUSU) said in his dignified speech that the people who are doing politics on madaris, should think that near about one lack Ulemas gave their lives for the sake of freedom of this nation. Aligarh Muslim University, itself was started as a Madarsa. Noticing the absence of union chair holders in whole program, he quipped that at least the office bearers must be present in the seminar on this very serious topic because it is important rather than the UP elections.

Syed Qasim Rasool Ilyas from Welfare Party of India was also present in the seminar. The seminar concluded with the University Anthem (Tarana).